OTTO PCFF ܠQ2,!GDEF^PGPOSu>l7GSUB? PLINOmye$ OS/2f@`cmapݾE+:headY>6hheaN$hmtx]hl$ 8maxpNP8nameΏ*-post2 A R_<x}[x}[MNPNcXKX^PSVTD 5M 0 %77J!No<        V  2 = H S ^ n i 0   B 0Q x , % % ~? >& 0& '+ &' ' ( () (? (UCopyright 2013 by Jan Tonellato. All rights reserved.Novecento sans wideBold3.001;SVTD;Novecentosanswide-BoldNovecento sans wide BoldVersion 3.001;PS 003.001;hotconv 1.0.70;makeotf.lib2.5.58329Novecentosanswide-BoldJan TonellatoOVERVIEW: This is the 3rd release of Novecento sans, a Caps + small-caps font family inspired on european typographic tendencies between the second half of 19th century and first half of the 20th. It looks rational and geometric. However, it is optically corrected and balanced. This font face is designed to be used mostly for headlines, visual identities or short sentences, both in big and small sizes. Novecento sans is very versatile: lighter faces provide a more contemporary and design look&feel, while the bolder ones definitely look retro. Novecento family was spaced and kerned with love and patience; each font has between 700 and 1050 kerning pairs. This font is available for licensing in opentype and webfont format, as well as for mobile apps, ebooks and for software embedding. OPENTYPE FEATURES: AALT Accesses All Alternate glyphs from the Glyphs panels in Adobe Illustrator or Indesign. CASE Sets All-Caps to activate case sensitive forms: transform lowercase letters, figures and some extra signs to Uppercase; vertically aligns math symbols and punctuation. DNOM & NUMR Transforms 0 to 9 figures into numerators (aligned to cap height) and denominators (aligned to baseline). FRAC Custom fractions generation feature. SUPS Transforms 0 to 9 figures into superiors. LOCL Romanian, Moldavian and Polish advanced diacritics support; automatic Catalan punt volant; Dutch localization for accented ij; localization for Turkish i (works also for Kazakh, Tatar, Crimean Tatar, Azeri. Just select your text language to activate the localized accents) CALT detects German in an uppercase string and substitute it with its uppercase version/ SS01 / SALT Alternate Q letter shape for ultra narrow line heights. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n1 (ss01) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS02 / SALT Alternate N letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n2 (ss02) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS03 / SALT Alternate I letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n3 (ss03) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS04 / SALT Alternate J letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n4 (ss04) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS05 / SALT Alternate Y letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n5 (ss05) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. LNUM/ONUM Lining / oldstyle figures; LNUM transforms numbers and monetary symbols in Uppercase; ONUM do the opposite (default figures are ONUM). TNUM / PNUM Tabular/ proportional figures. Figures (numbers, monetary and math symbols) of same width always align, in spite of their weight. ZERO / SALT Slashed zero alternate glyph. Works with tabular and proportional figures, numerators, denominators and superiors. Implemented both as Zero as Salt to maximize compatibility between applications. http://typography.synthview.comhttp://www.synthview.comPlease refer to the EULA (End User License agreement) you received with this software.Alternate QAlternate NAlternate IAlternate JAlternate YCopyright 2013 by Jan Tonellato. All rights reserved.Novecento sans wide BookBold3.001;SVTD;Novecentosanswide-BoldNovecento sans wide BoldVersion 3.001;PS 003.001;hotconv 1.0.70;makeotf.lib2.5.58329Novecentosanswide-BoldJan TonellatoOVERVIEW: This is the 3rd release of Novecento sans, a Caps + small-caps font family inspired on european typographic tendencies between the second half of 19th century and first half of the 20th. It looks rational and geometric. However, it is optically corrected and balanced. This font face is designed to be used mostly for headlines, visual identities or short sentences, both in big and small sizes. Novecento sans is very versatile: lighter faces provide a more contemporary and design look&feel, while the bolder ones definitely look retro. Novecento family was spaced and kerned with love and patience; each font has between 700 and 1050 kerning pairs. This font is available for licensing in opentype and webfont format, as well as for mobile apps, ebooks and for software embedding. OPENTYPE FEATURES: AALT Accesses All Alternate glyphs from the Glyphs panels in Adobe Illustrator or Indesign. CASE Sets All-Caps to activate case sensitive forms: transform lowercase letters, figures and some extra signs to Uppercase; vertically aligns math symbols and punctuation. DNOM & NUMR Transforms 0 to 9 figures into numerators (aligned to cap height) and denominators (aligned to baseline). FRAC Custom fractions generation feature. SUPS Transforms 0 to 9 figures into superiors. LOCL Romanian, Moldavian and Polish advanced diacritics support; automatic Catalan punt volant; Dutch localization for accented ij; localization for Turkish i (works also for Kazakh, Tatar, Crimean Tatar, Azeri. Just select your text language to activate the localized accents) CALT detects German in an uppercase string and substitute it with its uppercase version/ SS01 / SALT Alternate Q letter shape for ultra narrow line heights. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n1 (ss01) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS02 / SALT Alternate N letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n2 (ss02) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS03 / SALT Alternate I letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n3 (ss03) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS04 / SALT Alternate J letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n4 (ss04) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS05 / SALT Alternate Y letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n5 (ss05) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. LNUM/ONUM Lining / oldstyle figures; LNUM transforms numbers and monetary symbols in Uppercase; ONUM do the opposite (default figures are ONUM). TNUM / PNUM Tabular/ proportional figures. Figures (numbers, monetary and math symbols) of same width always align, in spite of their weight. ZERO / SALT Slashed zero alternate glyph. Works with tabular and proportional figures, numerators, denominators and superiors. Implemented both as Zero as Salt to maximize compatibility between applications. http://typography.synthview.comhttp://www.synthview.comPlease refer to the EULA (End User License agreement) you received with this software.Novecento sans wideAlternate QAlternate NAlternate IAlternate JAlternate Y  '"BCDEFGHIJK* !"'*?CEKLZegimuz)F "#()3+ X^~57<9;4=>D b#>@ cd&/x6!0359[](_{}CLI?EKBGJA&\@/9~'+7HMg~7&     " & 0 : D !!"!T!Z!^!_!""`"e% 0:*.9JPj7&      & 0 9 D !!"!P!U![!_!""`"d%'4?+, ߿\ )\x"06d '"* !"'*?CEKLZegimuz)F "#()3+,<D4>;I7#>9B@~z  9035X_[]c^b{}~f+/ $#&%)(;=7,ADFHGIJNTRVa`djl kn rqp xwv|! %-476syCA?EKJLG'$&1568:|}Novecentosanswide-Bold-N * Fuc"'bm)7=DKVflz#*1=CIW]ckv  $+28>DJPVam{&)06>JU\bkv !16FNU\lw} ")+7=DPYbmt "(07CPVagu{ 19AV\ho .5=CQ[en    * 1 7 > I P V e l s {  ' 0 9 L T [ i w     $ , 4 > H S ] g r {     # , 3 = G R ` f m v  ! 0 < K W ^ k s ~ +COmacronIacute.ss03AbreveIacute_J.loclNLDYdieresis.ss05YgraveAmacronAogonekYgrave.ss05Icircumflex.ss03ZacuteIdieresis.ss03Zacute.loclPLKQ.ss01IdotaccentCacuteZdotaccentCacute.loclPLKIdotaccent.ss03RacuteCcaronIgrave.ss03abreveRcaronImacronCcircumflexRcommaaccentImacron.ss03CdotaccentamacronIogonekaogonekIogonek.ss03SacuteDcaronSacute.loclPLKDcroatJ.ss04ScedillaJcircumflexScircumflexJcircumflex.ss04EcaronScommaaccentcacuteuni1E9EKcommaaccentcacute.loclPLKccaronLacuteEdotaccentTbarccircumflexTcaronLcaronTcedillaEmacroncdotaccentLcommaaccentLdotEogonekuni021AdcaronGbrevedcroatUbreveN.ss02NacuteGcircumflexGcommaaccentNacute.loclPLKNacute.loclPLK.ss02GdotaccentecaronUhungarumlautNacute.ss02NcaronUmacronHbarHcircumflexUogonekNcaron.ss02edotaccentUringNcommaaccentI.ss03IJNcommaaccent.ss02emacroneogonekEngIJ.ss03WacuteEng.ss02IJ.ss03.ss04WcircumflexIJ.ss04gbreveWdieresisNtilde.ss02gcircumflexWgravehbargcommaaccenthcircumflexgdotaccentOacute.loclPLKY.ss05i.ss03ncommaaccentYacute.ss05ncommaaccent.ss02dotlessi.ss03Ohungarumlautengiacute.ss03YcircumflexYcircumflex.ss © 2013 by Jan Tonellato. All rights reserved.Novecento sans wide Bold>!a)JtQZpz6<ENT[gs~9EIV(;BLH]in 9GU[_hp  & + / = C J N V ^ c l r  4 P V ` {    % . 8 < Q f y   ' 0 9 > E W i {    & 5 D J Y h v  %07>EJNZfr~ '2=HS^birw|j/* /* /*jj/*j=;7;7 n!A/bvip7 4S kysŌYgn|^Bp )8[[[5<̧嘵e3 I ,f?$+$)HѳoX4d%#1D#( _tvߏH^duK?Z}QoR[/>jS:\ 5e.)io.'e,o%_t[F@YEq4_oSc=7:R뗵a,# jmuOa+:_^:^3e.)jn9'Wר l|vO{[!Qvc%]%J;@ 5Ƨ 3rajsyn 6,8=P</ɍn 3Z!o82Sˊƌn di: ickRH}tty}ooy8 <?1.>P< 0B   *' ''"'' >e 4,2DA  tfeuu] 6oc` R'VV'M0 j w4gx7 2jRkR;2j I {ssxzljy/oQVż }+sv =lB%>P<Rʩg\_pgQnrt^Ctg? :iccj bk= 3&9 *mu{ <, %%5 << |/2= {P+fpr*^sL` !+.ZZ.!!ZZ+!% 0 i J.T nݗw9;vn>w #%Q/ A i -~'ZtyT[ z't]sZc,+Rh)v-Cw p l0 0 oB`سؽt^&k@;"q=* &n+Ȫ'bvjtY /` OP_e[߀V[tmbdq 1t]O輈 3v0*2 2a  ww< 7Buz}shAoᰲ{ ~1 *[ƽN^awwns{mlt{m0 i> }3 Oa@ v0< ӟ >r  k G@)_8)< 31:%& ak}  P< w Dr bb |w mo~  Vv  #g/ \ktdn 迍2?(2Mr.b‘ JWhw  @DGJKORSWY\_befgkcmqsvoruw|~@ABC\^<> {ojxklviwAu =t y`r {h@agbd_z ?!]pqsf}~|N|,F`%/=M]02^`iyOv@mt,3@Vu=\k / < M f }  8 X ' : c  . 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This font face is designed to be used mostly for headlines, visual identities or short sentences, both in big and small sizes. Novecento sans is very versatile: lighter faces provide a more contemporary and design look&feel, while the bolder ones definitely look retro. Novecento family was spaced and kerned with love and patience; each font has between 700 and 1050 kerning pairs. This font is available for licensing in opentype and webfont format, as well as for mobile apps, ebooks and for software embedding. OPENTYPE FEATURES: AALT Accesses All Alternate glyphs from the Glyphs panels in Adobe Illustrator or Indesign. CASE Sets All-Caps to activate case sensitive forms: transform lowercase letters, figures and some extra signs to Uppercase; vertically aligns math symbols and punctuation. DNOM & NUMR Transforms 0 to 9 figures into numerators (aligned to cap height) and denominators (aligned to baseline). FRAC Custom fractions generation feature. SUPS Transforms 0 to 9 figures into superiors. LOCL Romanian, Moldavian and Polish advanced diacritics support; automatic Catalan punt volant; Dutch localization for accented ij; localization for Turkish i (works also for Kazakh, Tatar, Crimean Tatar, Azeri. Just select your text language to activate the localized accents) CALT detects German in an uppercase string and substitute it with its uppercase version/ SS01 / SALT Alternate Q letter shape for ultra narrow line heights. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n1 (ss01) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS02 / SALT Alternate N letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n2 (ss02) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS03 / SALT Alternate I letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n3 (ss03) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS04 / SALT Alternate J letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n4 (ss04) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS05 / SALT Alternate Y letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n5 (ss05) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. LNUM/ONUM Lining / oldstyle figures; LNUM transforms numbers and monetary symbols in Uppercase; ONUM do the opposite (default figures are ONUM). TNUM / PNUM Tabular/ proportional figures. Figures (numbers, monetary and math symbols) of same width always align, in spite of their weight. ZERO / SALT Slashed zero alternate glyph. Works with tabular and proportional figures, numerators, denominators and superiors. Implemented both as Zero as Salt to maximize compatibility between applications. http://typography.synthview.comhttp://www.synthview.comPlease refer to the EULA (End User License agreement) you received with this software.Alternate QAlternate NAlternate IAlternate JAlternate YCopyright 2013 by Jan Tonellato. All rights reserved.Novecento sans wide BookBold3.001;SVTD;Novecentosanswide-BoldNovecento sans wide BoldVersion 3.001;PS 003.001;hotconv 1.0.70;makeotf.lib2.5.58329Novecentosanswide-BoldJan TonellatoOVERVIEW: This is the 3rd release of Novecento sans, a Caps + small-caps font family inspired on european typographic tendencies between the second half of 19th century and first half of the 20th. It looks rational and geometric. However, it is optically corrected and balanced. This font face is designed to be used mostly for headlines, visual identities or short sentences, both in big and small sizes. Novecento sans is very versatile: lighter faces provide a more contemporary and design look&feel, while the bolder ones definitely look retro. Novecento family was spaced and kerned with love and patience; each font has between 700 and 1050 kerning pairs. This font is available for licensing in opentype and webfont format, as well as for mobile apps, ebooks and for software embedding. OPENTYPE FEATURES: AALT Accesses All Alternate glyphs from the Glyphs panels in Adobe Illustrator or Indesign. CASE Sets All-Caps to activate case sensitive forms: transform lowercase letters, figures and some extra signs to Uppercase; vertically aligns math symbols and punctuation. DNOM & NUMR Transforms 0 to 9 figures into numerators (aligned to cap height) and denominators (aligned to baseline). FRAC Custom fractions generation feature. SUPS Transforms 0 to 9 figures into superiors. LOCL Romanian, Moldavian and Polish advanced diacritics support; automatic Catalan punt volant; Dutch localization for accented ij; localization for Turkish i (works also for Kazakh, Tatar, Crimean Tatar, Azeri. Just select your text language to activate the localized accents) CALT detects German in an uppercase string and substitute it with its uppercase version/ SS01 / SALT Alternate Q letter shape for ultra narrow line heights. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n1 (ss01) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS02 / SALT Alternate N letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n2 (ss02) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS03 / SALT Alternate I letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n3 (ss03) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS04 / SALT Alternate J letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n4 (ss04) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS05 / SALT Alternate Y letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n5 (ss05) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. LNUM/ONUM Lining / oldstyle figures; LNUM transforms numbers and monetary symbols in Uppercase; ONUM do the opposite (default figures are ONUM). TNUM / PNUM Tabular/ proportional figures. Figures (numbers, monetary and math symbols) of same width always align, in spite of their weight. ZERO / SALT Slashed zero alternate glyph. Works with tabular and proportional figures, numerators, denominators and superiors. Implemented both as Zero as Salt to maximize compatibility between applications. http://typography.synthview.comhttp://www.synthview.comPlease refer to the EULA (End User License agreement) you received with this software.Novecento sans wideAlternate QAlternate NAlternate IAlternate JAlternate Y  '"BCDEFGHIJK* !"'*?CEKLZegimuz)F "#()3+ X^~57<9;4=>D b#>@ cd&/x6!0359[](_{}CLI?EKBGJA&\@/9~'+7HMg~7&     " & 0 : D !!"!T!Z!^!_!""`"e% 0:*.9JPj7&      & 0 9 D !!"!P!U![!_!""`"d%'4?+, ߿\ )\x"06d '"* !"'*?CEKLZegimuz)F "#()3+,<D4>;I7#>9B@~z  9035X_[]c^b{}~f+/ $#&%)(;=7,ADFHGIJNTRVa`djl kn rqp xwv|! %-476syCA?EKJLG'$&1568:|}Novecentosanswide-Bold-N * Fuc"'bm)7=DKVflz#*1=CIW]ckv  $+28>DJPVam{&)06>JU\bkv !16FNU\lw} ")+7=DPYbmt "(07CPVagu{ 19AV\ho .5=CQ[en    * 1 7 > I P V e l s {  ' 0 9 L T [ i w     $ , 4 > H S ] g r {     # , 3 = G R ` f m v  ! 0 < K W ^ k s ~ +COmacronIacute.ss03AbreveIacute_J.loclNLDYdieresis.ss05YgraveAmacronAogonekYgrave.ss05Icircumflex.ss03ZacuteIdieresis.ss03Zacute.loclPLKQ.ss01IdotaccentCacuteZdotaccentCacute.loclPLKIdotaccent.ss03RacuteCcaronIgrave.ss03abreveRcaronImacronCcircumflexRcommaaccentImacron.ss03CdotaccentamacronIogonekaogonekIogonek.ss03SacuteDcaronSacute.loclPLKDcroatJ.ss04ScedillaJcircumflexScircumflexJcircumflex.ss04EcaronScommaaccentcacuteuni1E9EKcommaaccentcacute.loclPLKccaronLacuteEdotaccentTbarccircumflexTcaronLcaronTcedillaEmacroncdotaccentLcommaaccentLdotEogonekuni021AdcaronGbrevedcroatUbreveN.ss02NacuteGcircumflexGcommaaccentNacute.loclPLKNacute.loclPLK.ss02GdotaccentecaronUhungarumlautNacute.ss02NcaronUmacronHbarHcircumflexUogonekNcaron.ss02edotaccentUringNcommaaccentI.ss03IJNcommaaccent.ss02emacroneogonekEngIJ.ss03WacuteEng.ss02IJ.ss03.ss04WcircumflexIJ.ss04gbreveWdieresisNtilde.ss02gcircumflexWgravehbargcommaaccenthcircumflexgdotaccentOacute.loclPLKY.ss05i.ss03ncommaaccentYacute.ss05ncommaaccent.ss02dotlessi.ss03Ohungarumlautengiacute.ss03YcircumflexYcircumflex.ss © 2013 by Jan Tonellato. All rights reserved.Novecento sans wide Bold>!a)JtQZpz6<ENT[gs~9EIV(;BLH]in 9GU[_hp  & + / = C J N V ^ c l r  4 P V ` {    % . 8 < Q f y   ' 0 9 > E W i {    & 5 D J Y h v  %07>EJNZfr~ '2=HS^birw|j/* /* /*jj/*j=;7;7 n!A/bvip7 4S kysŌYgn|^Bp )8[[[5<̧嘵e3 I ,f?$+$)HѳoX4d%#1D#( _tvߏH^duK?Z}QoR[/>jS:\ 5e.)io.'e,o%_t[F@YEq4_oSc=7:R뗵a,# jmuOa+:_^:^3e.)jn9'Wר l|vO{[!Qvc%]%J;@ 5Ƨ 3rajsyn 6,8=P</ɍn 3Z!o82Sˊƌn di: ickRH}tty}ooy8 <?1.>P< 0B   *' ''"'' >e 4,2DA  tfeuu] 6oc` R'VV'M0 j w4gx7 2jRkR;2j I {ssxzljy/oQVż }+sv =lB%>P<Rʩg\_pgQnrt^Ctg? :iccj bk= 3&9 *mu{ <, %%5 << |/2= {P+fpr*^sL` !+.ZZ.!!ZZ+!% 0 i J.T nݗw9;vn>w #%Q/ A i -~'ZtyT[ z't]sZc,+Rh)v-Cw p l0 0 oB`سؽt^&k@;"q=* &n+Ȫ'bvjtY /` OP_e[߀V[tmbdq 1t]O輈 3v0*2 2a  ww< 7Buz}shAoᰲ{ ~1 *[ƽN^awwns{mlt{m0 i> }3 Oa@ v0< ӟ >r  k G@)_8)< 31:%& ak}  P< w Dr bb |w mo~  Vv  #g/ \ktdn 迍2?(2Mr.b‘ JWhw  @DGJKORSWY\_befgkcmqsvoruw|~@ABC\^<> {ojxklviwAu =t y`r {h@agbd_z ?!]pqsf}~|N|,F`%/=M]02^`iyOv@mt,3@Vu=\k / < M f }  8 X ' : c  . 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